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 Double-Talking Archive 2015

Lindsey Graham was on the run when it was time to vote on the USA Freedom Act bill
by Nathan'ette Burdine: June 30, 2015

During his campaign launch, Graham told a crowd of supporters, “Simply put, radical Islam is running wild…As president I will make them small, poor and on the run.”

However, it was Graham who was “on the run” when it came time to vote for legislation that will make it easier for the president and his team to identify and eliminate individuals who are members of terrorist organizations.

The U.S. Senate voted on May 30 and June 2 on the USA Freedom Act. The USA Freedom Act is an amendment to the PATRIOT Act, and it sets the rules of engagement for federal officials to follow when monitoring and apprehending domestic and/or foreign terrorist.

Ol’ Lindsey Graham did not vote on the bill on either day because he decided that it would be best for him to go to South Carolina to prepare for his presidential announcement.

He did, however, take time to send out a tweet, expressing his disapproval for the bill.

Graham tweeted, “The USA Freedom Act compromises our privacy and our national security. I would have vote ‘No.’”

Graham’s tweet that he “would have voted no” on the bill is quite interesting considering the fact that Graham rolled his eyes at his senate colleague Rand Paul during Paul’s filibustering of the bill that he, Graham, says “compromises our privacy and our national security.”

For his part, Paul decided that he would show up for work, on both days, in the Senate to vote with the other 98 senators on the bill.

Graham, on the other hand, was the only Senator who did not show up to work to vote on the bill because he was “on the run” in South Carolina, preparing for his presidential announcement.

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